There are several advantages to using a mockup instead of photography, including:

  1. Consistency: Mockups provide a consistent and controlled presentation of your designs, which can be useful for showcasing your brand in a cohesive and professional manner.
  2. Versatility: Mockups can be easily customized and edited to show your designs in different contexts and environments, which can be beneficial for showcasing your brand’s relevance to different audiences.
  3. Realism: Mockups can provide a realistic presentation of your designs, which can be useful for showcasing how your designs will look in the real world and helping potential customers envision themselves using your products.
  4. Efficiency: Using mockups can save time and effort compared to traditional photography, as mockups can be easily edited and customized without the need for complex lighting and setup.
  5. Cost-effectiveness: Using mockups can be more cost-effective than traditional photography, as mockups can be easily created and edited without the need for expensive equipment and professional photographers.